Sunday, May 6, 2007

Carmen's Pet!!!

Hi our names are Carmen and Eden,

We are are best friends.

I (Carmen) has a pet bearded Dragon Lizard,He is only a baby, he is 26 centimetres, I named him Lucky because he kept escaping out of his cage but we got him again!!!

We are like sisters because we stay by each others sides.

This a picture of me holding the lizard.
He is so cute, His claws may be long and sharp but they don't hurt you.
I (Eden) have been to Carmen's house and seen the bearded Dragon.He is so Cute. I even want to buy one but they are like 100 and something dollars for a baby one.
Please Leave a comment!!!
By Carmen and Eden
Here are some awesome links.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've done a really good job with your blog Carmen & Eden